Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monkey Muscle, Snake Charmers, and Cowboys

The Lemming is not making this up.
"Commonwealth Games organisers employ monkeys to protect athletes" (October 1, 2010)

"Organisers of the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New-Delhi have hired a team of about 40 large grey langur monkeys to chase away smaller rhesus monkeys, which have been breaking into the Games' accommodation buildings and stealing from athletes' rooms.

"In addition, 50 traditional snake charmers have been employed after an athlete found a live cobra in his room.

"It has also been reported that an emergency team of cowboys have been brought on board in anticipation of a demonstration by a farmers' group, which has threatened to drive herds of cows and buffalos into the city...."

The Lemming isn't sure that "hired" is quite the right verb to use the arrangement with the langur monkeys. The idea of using bigger (and, one hopes, more civil) monkeys to control the unruly rhesus crowd seems to make sense. And is arguably more humane (and probably more effective) than, say, setting traps.

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