Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Digital Halloween? Neat Idea: So-So Execution

"Carve A Pumpkin? Pffff! Use LEDs"
Tracy Staedter, Analysis, Tech News, Discovery News (October 27, 2010)

"Carving pumpkins for Halloween is so 20th Century. Here in the age of Google Street View, nanotechnology, botnets and 3D film, we use LEDs. The guys at Hack A Day have a great project for the do-it-yourselfer not content with homemade costumes: a marquee made from matrix of 70 light emitting diodes, or LEDs. It's a little too involved for me, but I'll bet plenty of you could tackle this baby and perhaps even come up with a new twist...."

Looks like a neat idea - there's a photo and an embedded YouTube video in the article.

The Lemming's no Luddite, but somehow the LED Halloween pumpkin doesn't lend quite the same ambiance. Maybe I've seen too many signs like it near the grocery checkout.

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