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Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Next European Yacht of the Year?

"European Yacht of the Year Nomination: Dehler 32" (September 11, 2010)

"If you're wanting a small boat that will be good for cruising but also competitive if you want to join the occasional race, it might pay to look at the new Dehler 32.

"The new Dehler 32 has been nominated in category performance cruiser for the prestigious international award of European Yacht of the Year. The yacht is a both a comfortable cruiser and a successful racer.

"For a small crew the boat, a Judel/Vrolijk design, boasts being easy to sail and manoeuvre in all weather situations. ..."

It's not the biggest yacht around: 9.8 meters / 32+ feet long by 10 feet eight inches across. Still - this is a far cry from the 16-footers that many boat owners here in central Minnesota have. Of course, the new Dehler 32 isn't supposed to be something you haul down to the lake for fishing or water skiing.

The article gives technical specs for the yacht, and a short description: plus a heads-up on when that award will be announced.

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