Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Igor - The Harpsichordist, Not the Hurricane or the Czar

"Igor Kipnis (Music Director, Harpsichord)"
Bach Cantatas Website

"Born: September 27, 1930 - Berlin, German
"Died: January 24, 2002 - Redding, Connecticut, USA

"The distinguished American harpsichordist and fortepianist, Igor Kipnis, is the son of the Russian bass Alexander Kipnis. In 1938 the family moved to the USA, where he took piano lessons with his maternal grandfather, Heniot Levy; after attending the Westport (Connecticut) School of Music, he studied with Thompson and Thurston Dart at Harvard University, receiving B.A. in 1952. He also took harpsichord lessons with Valenti...."

Say "Igor" today, and many folks would probably think of a hurricane that's headed toward Bermuda. When the Lemming saw "Igor" in the news, I thought of Igor Kipnis, the harpsichordist.

Then there are the prominent Igors, back when the Rus were running Russia. Young Aleksandr Borodin wrote an opera about one of them. Started it, anyway. That's another story.

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