Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Twitter Safety Tips: You Probably Know This Already

"10 Twitter Safety Tips To Protect Your Account & Identity" (December 16, 2009)

"While Twitter is a fun place to hang out, it has associated risks just like any other social network. As examples of the risks involved with Twitter, there are phishing scams, government security lapses, and people getting fired because of tweeting.

"Here are 10 solid Twitter safety tips you can make use of to enjoy Twitter and protect yourself.

"#1: Never Share Personal Information...."

They're talking about "email, personal or business address, telephone numbers" and pieces of information that someone could misuse.

It's all common sense, right down to the tenth item: always use a firewall and anti-virus software. The latter had better be the newer 'anti-malware' package - although they're still referred to as "anti-virus" software.

Still, like the subject of my last post, it's a fast read and good review.
A tip of the hat to TweetSmarter, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.

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