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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Making Your Blog Into a Book: Pricy, But Interesting

"Got a Blog? Make a Book!"
Blog2Print, in partnership with Blogger

"Next time someone asks 'How can I print my blog?' send them to Blog2Print. With a couple of clicks, you choose a cover, the posts you'd like to include, and you're on your way to creating your own Blog Book!..."

I've discussed this service before, in another blog:The pricing isn't crazy, if you're looking at making a one-off copy for yourself:

"A 20-page softcover Blog Book is just $14.95
"Hardcover only $24.95. And extra pages are only 35 cents!"

On the other hand, that's a pretty slim book. If you're looking at using this service as something for business use? Well, you can buy a 200-page book for well under $14.95: so this looks like a nice service for folks who want to preserve an attractive hard copy of their blog.

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