"Top 100 Marketing Buzzwords for 2009"
Marketing Jive (January 18, 2009)
"Buzzword - a phrase or word that entices people to discuss a topic in repetition
"This is our third year in providing a list of the top 100 marketing buzzwords used by online marketers and by folks in the Search Industry. For a recap of the previous year's list see:
"Top 100 Marketing Buzzwords for 2008
"Top 100 Marketing Buzzwords for 2007
"Love 'em or hate 'em, buzzwords are used by everyone in every industry. The online world is no different, there have been certain buzzwords that have gained attention over recent years. Think of 'Google', 'Facebook' or 'Twitter'. Some of these words may even be found on this year's list, but the fact is we cannot escape these buzzwords. Marketers use buzzwords more than anybosy, so to narrow the list to just 100 phrases was not an easy thing to do. With some deliberation, we were able to come up with the top 100 Marketing Buzzwords of 2009.
"Top 100 Marketing Buzzwords of 2009..."
Some of these aren't the sort of thing you'll run into, unless you're working in the marketing department of a company, or as a marketing consultant. Others are more familiar.
By the way, that one phrase - "Marketers use buzzwords more than anybosy" - is a direct copy. I suspect that the writer meant "anybody," but maybe "anybosy" is slang on its way to getting into the dictionaries. Or getting forgotten.
Here's another take on buzzwords:
"Overused Buzzwords and Marketing Speak in Press Releases"
Creative Streak (July 2, 2010)
"My good friend Suzanne Ross of The Aerie Company sent this link to me a few days ago. (Sorry, I've been off on holidays for five weeks, and just now getting back to a keyboard.)
"As background, Adam Sherk - a search and PR strategist for Define Search Strategies (owned by The New York Times Company) - analysed the number of words used in press releases archived on PRWeb over the past four years. 'Leader' and 'leading' were the two most used words. I've included the top 20 words below, or click on the link above to see the entire list...."
Let's see what the Lemming can do with the first seven buzzwords on that list: 'Great writer's resource! This unique solution reveals top leading buzzwords. Learn from one of the best creative leaders!'
Does what you write sounds like that? The Lemming suggests that you read that post, print out the lists, stick them up next to your monitor - and make sure that you use as few of those buzzwords as possible.
But, that's just the Lemming's opinion.
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