Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tractors, Horses, and a Weekend Project


anoasisproduction, YouTube (June 22, 2010)
video, 2:05

Two minutes and five seconds of tractor and horse pulling contests in Hillsboro, North Dakota. I talked to the fellow who made the video - this was a sort of 'weekend project' for him. Turned out pretty well, I think.


A few points:
  • No tractors were harmed in the filming of this video
  • Those horses are not full-size draft animals
    • The Norwegian- and German-Americans who live in that part of the country tend toward height
      • But we're not that big


  1. What cute little mini draft horsies! SO cute! So eager to get going! Squeeeeee!


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