Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funny, Freakish Critter's Feet: the Photo

"Lullaby, and goodnight, your freakish feet are a fright."
Prongs, via Cute Overload (June 7, 2010)

"OK, perhaps there's nothing we can humanely do about their disproportionate size, but would an emery board be so horrible?"

(from Prongs, via Cute Overload, used w/o permission)

Oh, I don't know: they're not that big. But then, I'm used to looking at critters. I think one of the - problems? - with creatures that look a little like us is that we see features that are almost, but not quite, human. (more about the "uncanny valley:" May 20, 2009)

Like those - feet? hands?

Even so, I think it's cute.

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