Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blogger: Now with Pages

"What Are Pages?"
Blogger Help

"Blogger pages let you to publish static information on stand-alone pages linked from your blog...."

The title seems like a foolish question - but this is a new widget in Blogger, and the "What Are Pages?" help topic seems to do a pretty good job of describing how the things work.

And, after creating an 'about' page for this blog: it looks like the help topic's description is quite close to what you'll actually find. Actually, I found no discrepancies - but you may. I wasn't in full nit-picking mode.

I'm glad to see this feature in Blogger - I've wanted to add "about" pages to several blogs. Now, there's a widget for that sort of thing. Cool.

This blog's "page" links (both of them) is in the sidebar, right under The Lemming's feet.

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