Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, May 6, 2010

April Showers Bring May Snow: In Minnesota

It's occurred to me that snow in May, a few days before Mother's Day, doesn't sound - well, all that plausible. It does to me, but then I grew up across the river from Fargo, North Dakota, and live here in central Minnesota.

The wit who said that 'Minnesota doesn't have a climate: it's got weather' had a point.

Like this week. Yesterday, later in the day, we had rain falling on the window. And freezing.

Here's what our forecast looked like, yesterday evening:

(from, used w/o permission)

The image is reduced to something like half its original size - so I put that inset in, to show the likelihood of snow tomorrow evening.

I don't mind, really. I feel a little less guilty now, not having put out the hummingbird feeder. I've got that penciled in for the weekend: depending on weather, of course.

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