Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, April 3, 2010


The word's a noun, too, but here's what Princeton's WordNet has to say about sesquipedalian as an adjective:
  • Given to the overuse of long words "sesquipedalian orators"; "this sesquipedalian way of saying one has no money"
  • Long and ponderous; having many syllables"sesquipedalian technical terms"
Odds are pretty good that you won't absolutely have to say "sesquipedalian" very often.

On the other hand, I think it's nice to have words like that ready for use. You never know when some graneloquent blowhard with a marked predilection for polysyllabic utterances will have to pause for a breath.

That'll be your chance to say "that's rather sesquipedalian, don't you think?"

Or, not. But now you can decide whether or not to throw that word into a conversation.

What can I say? I'm one of those people who read dictionaries for fun.

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