Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, April 19, 2010

Another Maru Photo

"Let's check in on Maru…"
Meg, Inner Marianne H., via Cute Overload (April 17, 2010)

"Yep. Still a boxaholic. Getting worse, too...."

There's a bit more text, including a link to I Am Maru!, a website dedicated, apparently, to Maru. The parts I've seen are in Japanese and English - but it helps if you can read Japanese. The pictures, of course, need no translation.

There's a larger version of that Maru photo in the post.

If Maru looks familiar, you may have been visiting this blog. (Thanks!) I posted a micro-review about a Maru video, a week ago.

Related post:

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