Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another Dose of 'Cute' - You Have Been Warned

"Lunch with Bunch"
Cute Overload (April 4, 2010)

" 'This is Teddy!' says sender-inner Lindsay F. 'He is a bunny despite his funny ears. People thinks he looks like a bun-chilla.' But since he's posing with a banana, we'll just call him a 'Bunch.' "

Good heavens. Even by the standards of baby bunnies, Teddy the Bunch is cute.

I mean to say: Did someone forget when to stop pouring in 'adorable'?!

In the interests of viewer safety, I reduced the size of Teddy's photo for this post. The full-size image is available on "Lunch with Bunch," on Cute Overload. It's as cute as this one - but twice the linear dimensions. Four times the surface area.

If you think you're up to a megadose of 'cute,' go ahead. But you have been warned.

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  1. And just to add to the floof factor in his cuteness quotient, someone shuffled on a dry carpet for a few minutes and then touched him right before this picture was taken.

  2. Brigid,

    Looks like that, doesn't it?

    That would explain his - startled expression?


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