Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Worry: I See It, Too

"THIS JUST IN: Spotted Licorice Whatzit"
Cute Overload (March 6, 2010)

It's a young Mayala tapir. And yes, they look like that.

Kudos to the Cute Overload contributor, for including a link to the photo's source:That particular sort of tapir is on the Endangered Species list.

For all the silliness (remember the spotted owl, that can only nest in pure virgin forests - and K-Mart signs?) that 'save the [whatever]' has been prone to: I rather hope that the Malaya tapir makes it.

Anything that looks like a hallucination that stepped out of someone's id seems worthy of preservation: for weirdness, if nothing else.

Which brings up whether support for preserving a particular species is - or should be - dependent on how cute it is. Which is another topic, for another blog.

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