Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cute Sleeping Cats: Videos

"Sleeping Cat"

annie85v, YouTube (February 23, 2008)
video, 0:30

"How cute!!!!!! awwwww"

I grew up with cats of the 'house' variety. My household is catless, though - my wife and some of the kids are sensitive to pet dander: which can be an issue with the most fastidious cat.

So it's fun to go to YouTube now and again and get a look at the life and times of felis domesticus.

That's a not-all-that-uncommon way for a cat to wake up, by the way.

More, there's always more.

"Cat Meowing In Its Sleep

Dweiu, YouTube (December 16, 2008)
video, 0:28

"Cat making funny noices when someone sneezes.

"For all who thinks this is animal cruelty:

"I would never hurt my cats. And this was just a phase when he was a kitten and cat doesn't anymore do this :) Sorry if someone got offended by this video. "

That "animal cruelty" disclaimer didn't come out of nowhere. There's a small (I trust) but vocal and terribly earnest contingent who seem convinced that everybody else abuses animals. All the time. By forcing dogs to fetch sticks, stroking cats - you get the idea.

That sort of thing can make discussions of real animal cruelty a bit difficult, sometimes. Which is another topic.

Me? I must be some sort of monster, by the earnest ones' standards: I think that nattering cat is cute.


  1. puurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Waaahhh! Too cute!


    Seriously, what ninny would think that's cruelty?

  2. Brigid,

    Agreed, on both points. Responding to the question: the idea would probably be that whoever is speaking is tormenting the poor helpless cat, can't you hear it's terrified and tormented cries?

    I didn't say I think that makes any sense: but I've run into people who (think? associate?) like that.

    I have speculated that there's something going on in their heads that could use attention. That's not a criticism: misperceptions like that don't, I think, come out of nowhere.


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