Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Safety Advice for Twitter Users: Or Anybody Else

"Top 10 Tips for Staying Safe on Twitter" (February 24, 2010)

"Say what you want on Twitter but be careful about it, warns AVG (AU/NZ)

"Melbourne, 24 February 2010. Last weekend, there was another Twitter security breach — a phishing attack. As the Twitter micro blogging service comes into its fourth year of existence, it is more popular than ever, which makes it a perfect target for cyber criminals. The nature of Twitter has always meant to be very open, so what are the best ways to protect yourself?..."

It's the usual 10-point numbered list format of common-sense advice.

Twitter's in the title, but people in any online community should be paying attention.

Twitter's been in the news quite a bit, lately - I don't think it's a particularly vulnerable network, but it's big, so anything that goes wrong is going to be on a large scale.

The article doesn't put it this way, maybe because many people don't know about postcards these days(?), but the best & shortest 'sound bite' advice I've run into for anything online is - if you wouldn't write it on a postcard, don't post it online.

Pretty good advice, I think.
A tip of the hat to Twitter_Tips, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this article.

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