Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, February 1, 2010

Haiti - 5 Superdomes of Rubble - Charities

"Rubble from Haiti quake could fill 5 Superdomes"
The Associated Press, via The Miami Herald (January 30, 2010)

"A U.S. official says the rubble remaining from destroyed buildings in Haiti's capital could easily fill to the top five football stadiums the size of New Orleans' Superdome...."

The "U.S. official" seems to be U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Col. Rick Kaiser. And he says that's using "conservative estimates."

Had Enough of the Haiti Disaster? So Have the Haitians

At least, I assume so. I suppose there may be some psychiatrically-challenged person in Haiti, who's sitting in a corner, giggling about all the death and destruction. Or, not.

The point of this post is to
  1. Share an interesting factoid
  2. Have an excuse to highlight a list of charitable organizations
Well, I've shared the factoid. Now, to highlight the list. You probably saw this at the top of the blog:

A list of charities you've probably heard about already, with links and some contact information: Also a list of posts in this, and two other blogs, about Haiti.

I know: you've heard it all before. But folks in Haiti will be working their way out of the mess left by the January 12 quake for a long time. They can use help.

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