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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Eating Binge" - Yet Another Random Twitter Poem

"Eating Binge - Random Twitter Poem for Feb 9"
Wanderer Thoughts Poetry (February 9, 2010)

"...Eating Binge

"Unlimited tempered hunger wounds
"seeking to behead your appetite...

"...or the warble of a theremin sounding
"eating binge is finally satisfied"

It's another poem by Dragon Blogger - and a pretty good one. I've micro-reviewed several of these, I see. The poems are "random" in the sense that Dragon Blogger asks for words from folks on Twitter - and, when he's gotten a selection, writes a bit of verse around them. Sometimes getting pretty good insights into the human condition in the process. My opinion.

And, in this case, a shout-out for the theremin.

You just don't hear much about theremins these days.

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A tip of the hat to dragonblogger, on Twitter, for this 'random poem'.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the microview, I don't claim to be a good poet, I just write and sometimes unique and interesting stuff comes out.


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