Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Burj Khalifa, the Dubai Tower: Points of View

So much depends on how a person - or news service - looks at things:

"Terrifying lift ordeal at Burj Khalifa tower, the world’s tallest building"
Times Online (February 10, 2010)

"Turkmenistan president visits Burj Khalifa"
UAE / General, gulfnews (February 10, 2010)

"Dubai tower visitors were stuck almost 'At the Top' "
France24 (February 10, 2010)

The impression I've gotten from these and other news accounts is that Dubai officials have decided to comment on the elevator situation.

The official account, which is that an electrical malfunction caused the "bang" and dust/smoke that visitors noticed, is - in my opinion - consistent with eyewitness accounts that made it into the news. I think that the tower's owners and Dubai officials might have been a little more prompt in giving an explanation - even a 'we don't know, but we're looking into it' statement - but then, I'm an American. Not all cultures have our somewhat manic sense of urgency.

Which is okay. This world would be rather boring if everybody was alike.

For Dubai's sake, I hope the folks who run the tower get its systems up and running soon. I get the impression that the country could use the tourism revenue, if nothing else.

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