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Monday, February 22, 2010

Better Ideas from Japan: Crazy Game Shows

"Crazy Treadmill Japanese Game"

virvid, YouTube (February 05, 2008)
video, 4:25

"Another funny game coming from Japan. This one is with en endless treadmill..."

I don't know: "endless treadmill" seems redundant. As a loop, it is "endless" in a sense - oh, well, I'm nitpicking.

The important point is that it's got a wading pool at the end of it.

Ah, Japan: Land of ancient traditions; cherry blossoms; and crazy game shows.

This particular contest involves eye-hand coordination, fast footwork, and a willingness to look silly. Looks like fun.

Nearly four and a half minutes is a little long, for my taste: but your experience may vary.


Related post: More ideas - good, dubious, and strange - at


  1. "and crazy tame shows"

    That video doesn't seem very tame to me. Oh! You meant game!

    The Friendly Neighborhood Proofreader

  2. That's the craziest game I have ever seen.

  3. timethief,

    Yeah: Even by Japanese game-show standards, this one's wacky.


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