Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rolling Rabbits: Or, 'I'm More Relaxed Than You'

"Rollin' Rabbits"

cedarcottage, YouTube (December 18, 2007)
video, 1:02

"Red and Priscilla trying to "out relax" one another."

I understand this is a sort of 'one downsmanship,' practiced by rabbits. My oldest daughter's rabbit has been doing something like this to me, I think - except I don't cooperate by flopping onto the floor after he does.

I think it's cute, but your experience may vary.

If, about halfway through, you think you've seen the same thing before: you have. This video follows a fairly common practice of splicing two copies of the same video clip together, back-to-back. I'll grant that the music sounds a bit more complete than it might, if cut off at the mid-point.

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