Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, January 15, 2010

Port au Prince: What's Holding Up the Relief Supplies?

I caught this pair of Google Maps / Google Earth photos today.

One was taken before Tuesday afternoon's 7.0 earthquake.

The second was taken afterward.

(from Google Maps, used w/o permission)
Port au Prince harbor, before the quake: Maybe not the best harbor facility in the world, but pretty much everything's in one piece, and the stuff that's supposed to be above water is where it's supposed to be.

(from GeoEye, used w/o permission)
Port au Prince harbor, after the quake: That long (pier?) in the center? My guess is that it'll take a whole lot of work, before it's in working order again. Or entirely above water, for that matter.

The airport is in working order again: but even after relief supplies and people land, Haiti's road system wasn't world-class to begin with, and wasn't improved by having parts of buildings tipped onto it.

Related post:

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