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Friday, January 8, 2010

Olive Penguins: Cute and Tasty

"How to Make Olive Penguins"
Serious Eats(January 6, 2010)

"These are probably meant for six-year olds, but they still provide me with gobs of joy. All you need is a black olive (for the penguin head), a bigger one (for the bulbous bod), a little carrot medallion...."

(from mathea.tanner, Flickr, via Serious Eats, used w/o permission)

"Probably meant for six-year olds"? Possibly, but I think these would be fun to make. I'm not sure quite how they'd be used - but then I don't know much about entertaining. These olive penguins look cute, should be fairly easy to mass-produce - and remind me of olive rabbits that I ran into once.
A tip of the hat to williamcooks, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.


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  2. Claudia Lawrence,

    Thanks for the nice words.

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    I'm leaving this comment, since it's right on the envelope of 'spam' - and I'm feeling generous today.


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