Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Lemming Tracks: There's Something Fishy About Today's Posts

Aquatic, anyway.

Two of today's three posts are about some animal that lives in the water: a weird sea green sea slug, and Neon Tetras. Which seem to be capitalized. Who knew?

The Lemming doesn't have a grand plan for what sort of posts go on what days. Which may be another way of saying that even I don't know what I'm doing.

Hmmm. I could try rephrasing that: but after a highly sleep-free night, it would probably just get worse.

Which might be interesting, come to think of it.

No: Better quite while I'm behind.

One thing I can predict with a fair degree of confidence: Wednesday's posts won't be all fish, all the time. Or about Aardvarks.

Well, maybe just one.

We'll see.

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