Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People on Facebook

"How to Suck at Facebook"
The Oatmeal (undated: you'll see why in a moment)

This page is mostly a series of pictures, illustrating how you, too, can be one of the worst people to meet on Facebook. Or any other online community, for that matter.

For example:

(from The Oatmeal, used w/o permission)

Then, there's:

(from The Oatmeal, used w/o permission)

My favorite may be this pungent commentary on Facebook quizzes, and the people who post about their results:

(from The Oatmeal, used w/o permission)

This page may not be for everyone. Some of the gags are a trifle off-color. I picked a comparatively tame selection.

On the other hand, The Oatmeal has distilled and displayed some of the more - colorful? - sorts of people you meet online. Like the Passive Aggressor.
A tip of the hat to Twitter_Tips, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this page.

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