Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, January 29, 2010

Egg in a Hole: What it Is, How to Make It

"Dinner Tonight: Egg in a Hole with 'Shrooms"
-Blake Royer, Serious Eats (January 28, 2010)

"Egg in a Hole-where you take a slice of bread, cut out the middle, replace it with an egg, and fry the whole thing up in butter-was the first thing I ever learned to cook. In 7th grade, my good friend at the time showed me how to choose a good skillet (non-stick), use an upside-down glass to remove the bread's center, and, the most important part, to never fear too much butter. The advice has since served me well: When it comes to eggs and toast, butter is a cook's best friend.

"So it was with serious nostalgia that I came across this Mark Bittman recipe called Egg in a Hole with 'Shrooms from his slim volume of super-fast recipes Kitchen Express...."

There's a recipe for two servings, with five ingredients (seven, if you count the optional salt and pepper), and two preparation steps. This is so easy, I should be able to do it.

Not that I will. My mouth watered, seeing the photo in the post: but egg in a hole is skimming the envelope, as far as food that I should eat these days goes.

Don't let that stop you, though. This breakfast looks delicious.
A tip of the hat to williamcooks, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.

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