Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, January 18, 2010

Chrysanthemums, Mums, and Their Society

National Chrysanthemum Society USA

"The mission of the National Chrysanthemum Society is to: (1) educate by researching, teaching, and disseminating procedures for the propagation and cultivation of the chrysanthemum (2) improve the standard of excellence of the chrysanthemum (3) promote a wider interest in the cultivation of the chrysanthemum (4) encourage a greater use and display of the beautiful blooms of the many cultivars of the chrysanthemum and (5) increase the bonds of fellowship among growers of the chrysanthemum...."
("About Us" National Chrysanthemum Society USA)

Want to learn about chrysanthemums? This looks like a pretty good place to start.

They even have a page for you, if you want to start a chapter in your area.

I'll admit to liking these perennials: but not enough to get involved.

But, they're nice to look at. And I approve of decorative plants that are tough enough to come back more than two years in a row.

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