Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fred, a Vocal Coach, and an Appalling Bit of - Singing?

Like just about everything else by "Fred" on YouTube, this needs a disclaimer: Fred isn't real; the teenager that plays Fred is real, and parodying - so I'm told - self-important people who think all the world should be intensely interested in the smallest detail of their lives.

Okay, now it's safe for me to display this video:

"Fred Has a Vocal Lesson"

Fred, YouTube (September 2, 2009)
video, 3:36

"Fred wins a contest to have a lesson with an awesome vocal coach."

If you've been around 'creative' people, you've probably run into someone like this. Even if you haven't, you probably have.

Enough said.

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