Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cinderella Castle Christmas Lights, 2008: Pretty Cool

"Cinderella Castle Christmas Lights in Magic Kingdom® -- at Walt Disney World®"

DisneyParks, YouTube (December 7, 2008)
video, 2:15

"Everywhere you look in Walt Disney World, the holidays are coming to life, starting with the 200,000 lights that decorate Cinderella Castle in the Magic Kingdom and cover it with sparkling...."

This is a sort of short infomercial for Wald Disney World®. Turns out, the Cinderella Castle lights take about as much power as three clothes drivers. The fellow didn't say how big the clothes dryers would be: but LED lighting is quite energy-efficient.

Bottom line? Short, fun, informative.


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