Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Light Show With Carol of the Bells (the Traditional One) - and a Bonus

"Synchronized Christmas lights play to music - Carol of the Bells"

davidscoville, YouTube (December 27, 2007)
video, 2:09

"A mile from my house, these folks show a fantastic Christmas light show that plays to music they put over the radio.
"They also did this magical christmas soundtrack:"

Nice! It doesn't hurt that I like the Carol of the Bells music. There's a little background noise in the first few seconds - but otherwise this is a smooth recording.


That link leads you to this video:

"Christmas lights play to music"

davidscoville, YouTube (December 27, 2007)
video, 2:05

"Beautiful music with beautiful lights"

There's a bit of voice at the end: someone saying, "we have two donation box" - and the video stops. I think it's reasonable enough. A sound-and-light show like that isn't cheap, and I don't mind people being willing to get financial support.

Particularly when they do work like this.


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