Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Animated" Christmas Lights? Yeah, You Could Say That

"Animated Christmas Lights to Sleigh Ride (2007)"

bpfrack, YouTube (November 24, 2007)
video, 2:54

"Animated Christmas lights display synchronized to the orchestral music of Sleigh Ride filmed at dusk. The 2007 display shown featured 95 controlled channels and was controlled by SyncLights Player software."

One could say that the synthesis of light and sound in this orchestration of a familiar holiday musical theme displays the spirit of Christmas: about 80 proof.

Seriously? If you're affected by flashing lights: Don't play this video.

Everybody else, be prepared for a colorful, jarring, jolting sleigh ride. And look for "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to flash - briefly - among the caffeinated spectacle.


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