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Saturday, December 12, 2009

2001, THX, and Christmas Lights: a Video

"2007 Musical Christmas Lights - 2001 Space Odyssesy"

searayovernighter, YouTube (December 30, 2007)
video, 2:12

"Merry Christmas from the Solomon Family
"THX & 2001 Space Odyssey
27,000 lights, 92 amps, 64 channels...

Musically and visually impressive - I particularly appreciated the (silent) closeups of parts of the display at the end of the video.

The "2001" reference, for those who aren't versed in movies of the sixties, is to Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968). When I saw "THX," I immediately thought of "THX 1138" (Lucas, 1971): but it's pretty obviously a reference to the THX sound systems.

Sure: that doesn't have much to do with Christmas, but it's still a pretty good light show.


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