Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Strange Tale of the Paper Turkeys

"Happy Thanksgiving - Stop Motion Video"

MentalLapse, YouTube (November 11, 2007)
video, 1:18

"...Just to answer a few of the questions I've seen:
"We like pumpkin pie so it wasn't wasted, yum.
"It took about 6 hours to take the 380 pictures.
"I don't have that much motivation so the movie's frame rate is from 2 to 10 frames per second but the majority is 6 frames per second...."

I suppose the moral of this video might be, 'never turn your back on holiday table decorations.'

I think this is pretty good return in entertainment value, for an investment of a minute and 18 seconds.

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