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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Spiders, Arachnophobia, Crabs, and a Video

"Facing My Spider Phobia"

mattharding2718, YouTube (December 2, 2007)
video, 1:47

"I have a bad case of arachnophobia. Sure, crabs have no relation to spiders, but tell that to my deep, irrational fear. Talking helped calm me down, and insulting the crabs actually made them less scary. "

As the fellow said, these are crabs, not spiders. And I'm pretty sure that he doesn't really think that they're space aliens that crash-landed here - although they do look like they're from: someplace else.

By far not the worst use you could find for one minute and 47 seconds of your life. Maybe not the best, either: but that's your call.

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A tip of the hat to irish_brigid, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this video.

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