Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Feel-Good Video About Comet, the Dog With Wheels

"Wheelchairs helping disabled pets get around"

foxprovidence, YouTube (May 29, 2008)
video, 2:04

"One lucky dog has a new set of wheels to get around. For the first time since his back legs were paralyzed, Comet, a Golden Retriever, is walking around with the help of his new wheel cart."

As the reporter said, this is a "feel-good" story. And, a case-in-point of how people can care for their pets. A class of Oklahoma fourth-graders, the Rhode Island SPCA, and a New Hampshire company that specializes in devices for handicapped pets,

A wheelcart for a dog costs between $200 and $400, depending on how big the dog is.

Sure, the resources that went into Comet's cart could have been used to get food to the hungry, or some other worthwhile cause. But there's no indication that any people were harmed - or neglected - in the making of that prosthetic.

Me? I like animals: and people. Sure, there are some in both categories that I've found difficult to get along with: but that's individuals. Provided that a person doesn't slip into the "I love animals - and hate people" mode, I don't see anything wrong with giving critters a leg up. Or, in this case, wheels.

I discussed why people should be nice to animals in "Animals: Yeah, the Catholic Church has Rules About Them, Too" A Catholic Citizen in America (August 17, 2009).

What can I say? The Lemming is "apathetic" only in a narrow, cultural sense. (September 9, 2007)

Related post:
A tip of the hat to irish_brigid, for the heads-up on that video.

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