Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Don't Knock the Knock Lock: It Looks Like Fun

"Secret Knock Detecting Lock"

ookseer, YouTube (October 29, 2009)
video, 2:12

"Unlock your door with a secret knock. More information, source and schematics at"

This could be the early 21st century's equivalent of those old clap on-clap off light switches.

It's pretty cool technology, as far as I'm concerned - and could be fun to use for some rooms in a large house. As a serious security device, I'm not so sure: seems to me that there's too big a chance of someone hearing the sequence of knocks, and remembering it. A surprising number of people 'got rhythm.'

Still: It's cool technology, and looks like fun.


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