Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Lights: Holiday Lights, Anyway

"42,000 Christmas LED Lights Dance to Coca Cola Holiday Song"

jeffostroff, YouTube (December 7, 2007)
video, 1:15

"Our 42,000 LED holiday lights display with 112 channels from 7 computerized lighting controllers. I act as orchestrater, tell the lights when to turn on or off, fade...."

That's a pretty cool light show. And catchy music.

"Coca Cola Christmas Trucks Long Version"

bizkittoby, YouTube (December 31, 2006)
video, 1:00
"Holidays are comming !!"

No, really: the description read, "comming !!" It's an easy typo to make.

This is one of my favorite Coca Cola holiday season ads: right up there with their 'polar bear' sequence.

What, No Diatribe About the Crass Commercialization of a Holy Season?!

First of all, for me and my house, Christmas is more than 42,000 LED lights flashing on 112 channels from 7 computerized lighting controllers. I'll get back to that - in another post, maybe in another blog.

That said, I don't mind the annual Coca Cola ad campaigns that come during this season. In fact, I enjoy them: There's some serious talent and production values involved there.

And the display is (literally) flashy and fun to experience.

I'll probably find more cool (and, quite possibly, weird) holiday season displays to highlight this year.

Do I think that there's too much emphasis on the commercial aspects of Christmas? Yeah, probably: in America, at least. Other countries I don't know enough about to form an opinion. But hey: you'll get that harangue from someone else, unless things have changed a lot in the last few years.

The holiday display and television advertisement that I've micro-reviewed (mini-micro-reviewed, really - I was positively terse) are, as far as I'm concerned, okay.

Granted,'s logo says "Putting Christ Back in Christmas" - right next to "61,165 Lights, all 100% LEDs!" The website bills itself as "Your Destination for Animated Christmas Lighting Display Advice." I'm not savvy enough on the technical side of lighting displays to tell how accurate that self-assessment is: but the photos they show are cool.

Still, I'll take "100% LEDs!" over the seemingly-unending stream of more-or-less schmaltzy Christmas specials I remember from my childhood and youth. Almost without exception, they seemed to end with something like "and the True Meaning Of Christmas is feeling all warm and fuzzy inside."

That I could rant about: but won't. It's more fun to watch the pretty flashing lights.


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