Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Want to Reduce Your Blog's Traffic? Here's How

"How to REDUCE Blog Traffic"
Discussion thread on BlogCatalog (started March 27, 2009)

"So many discussions on how to increase your blogs traffic, I thought it would be a good change of pace to talk about some a little less constructive.

"In order to quickly and effectively reduce your blogs traffic follow these steps in no particular order.

"1. Nevr spel chek ur posts

"2. Post only images of your feet

"3. Sure to make broken English use

"4. Daily updates on your bathroom behavior...."

My personal favorite is #2 - that seems to capture in a single, pungent image all the strangely-focused blogs sprinkled across cyberspace.

There are 10 points in all, and the last ("10. Make sure every post has AT LEAST 5 Google Adsense banners that are completely irrelevant.") is somewhat outside the control of a blogger - as far as I know. I use AdSense myself, and have noticed some really odd ads from time to time. I'm responsible for that only in that AdSense is sensitive to content, and appears to link keywords in posts to advertisements.

Which can have, as I said, some odd outcomes.

Bottom line? Between the original 10-point list and over 50 replies, this discussion thread could be a reasonably amusing way to spend part of a coffee break.

And it's certainly a welcome change from the usual breathless posts about boosting your blog traffic to improbable levels.


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