Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lemming Tracks: The Lemming's Taking a Short Vacation

There's a poster I saw, decades back, that read something like this: "I've worked long and hard for this nervous breakdown, and think that I have it coming: as soon as the workload eases up."

Or something like that.

One of the advantages of being my own boss is that I can give myself a vacation any time I like.

One of the disadvantages of being my own boss is that I know just how much won't get done, if I don't do it.

However, last month being as interesting as it was, I think it's a good idea to give myself a long weekend.

So, this is the last post that the Lemming will publish, until sometime on Tuesday, October 13. See you then!


  1. My husband and I were fortunate enough to retire early. I thought I would feel guilty; never have. I thought I would miss the hustle and bustle; never have. I feared I would get bored; never have. This is the best vacation we ever took!

  2. askcherlock,

    Thanks for sharing that. Intelligently planned, an early retirement can be a fine thing.

    On the other hand, I plan - and hope - to continue writing and creating for many years to come. Writing and working with graphics is 'work' - but it's also something that is a sort of natural occupation for me.


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