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Friday, October 30, 2009

Festive Breakfast? "Breakfest Sandwiches" - a Recipe

"Breakfest Sandwiches"
Notecook (September 27, 2009)

It's a recipe for a "Fast breakfest." The spelling's the same in the title and the text, so I assume that this is a "festive" "breakfast" - "break" "fest" - Pretty good way to make the post stand out, actually.

For people who aren't metricized yet, 200 C is 392° Fahrenheit.

Here's a handy online converter: Good Cooking's Temperature Conversions ("Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius (Centigrade) or from Celsius to Fahrenheit.")

The recipe looks tasty - and fairly simple. They don't give prep time, but the cooking time is 8 minutes, which probably means that the whole process is manageable in the pre-work time slot most of us have.
A tip of the hat to williamcooks, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.

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