Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Curry to the Left of Us, Curry to the Right of Us!

"All About Curry"
Serious Eats (October 18, 2009)

"What Is Curry?

"Curry is an umbrella term for many dishes throughout the world, particularly Asia, that are simmered in or covered with a sauce full of spices and herbs. There is no one specific "curry." It's just a combination of flavors and textures, usually served with meat, chicken, fish, vegetables or even fruit.

"How Curries Vary By Region


"These curries are made with a number of toasted and ground spices (called masala)...."

Okay, despite the title, the Serious Eats post probably doesn't convey all there is to know about curry.

On the other hand, it's got more about Indian, Thai, British, Chinese and Japanese curry than you may already know. Although somehow I wasn't surprised to learn that Chinese curry involved soy sauce.

The post includes links to seven recipes involving curry, and a photo of Vindaloo, a curry dish best served while wearing a hazmat suit. It's a tad spicy.
A tip of the hat to williamcooks, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.

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