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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bad Week in Indonesia for Earthquakes

"Indonesia: Lots of Earthquakes, Lots of People Killed; Lots More Needing Help"
A Catholic Citizen in America (October 3, 2009)

"A piece from BERNAMA, the Malaysian News Agency, was a refreshing change of pace. Instead of a litany of complaints, accusations, and finger-pointing, the reporter wrote about how much help was coming to Indonesia from around the world. ("World Shows Solidarity Over West Sumatra Earthquake" BERNAMA (October 3, 2009))

"That's nice to see. The article focuses on government efforts: naturally enough, since they're fairly easy to track. Generally, the national government is only too happy to send a press release or two, showing how much they care. I'm not being cynical - that's part of the officials' job. And national governments are in a position to allocate significant resources to relief...."

A Catholic Citizen in America is another one of my blogs, so I agree with what's written there and think the author did a pretty good job.

A few days ago, I said I wasn't planning to follow the Samoan earthquake situation - and that still holds. However, Indonesia has has a really bad week - quite a number of major earthquakes, death toll maybe in the thousands (they're still looking for people buried in the wreckage - and maybe still alive).

The folks there can use help.

Material help they're getting - I suggest something in addition to that.

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