Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, October 18, 2009

And Now, for Something Completely Different: A Raccoon and Bottle Caps; and The Hand

"Raccoon Willie: Bottle Caps"

damygeebo, YouTube (June 21, 2008)
video, 1:09

"Wilcat knows that at the center of every colorful atom are a few good bottle caps!..."

This is seriously cute. I particularly like the way Willie takes hold of the plaything with all four hands.
"A little creepy...but VERY funny!!!"

minimokitty, YouTube (May 6, 2007)
video, 0:23

"This is one of the racoons [!] that lives under my deck. There is a knot hole that he sticks his hand through to grab anything tasty...."

Creepy? Spooky? Yeah: I can see that. Particularly if you saw that little hand late at night. Me? I think it's cute.

A Change of Pace

The Lemming's been a bit serious lately, and I thought this would be a good way to balance things out a bit.

A tip of the hat to #1 daughter, who introduced me to YouTube's raccoon videos some time ago, and reminded me yesterday.

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