Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tiny Cute Rabbit in a Teacup: Sweet Photo

"Teacup Bunny 8-8-01"
Flickr Photo Download (June 20, 2006)

Words fail me. Sort of. As a rule, I start these micro-reviews with a brief quote from the post I'm reviewing. This post is a Flickr photo. Period.

No, there is some text: in the HTML code. The title of the post is "Teacup Bunny 8-8-01" - Well? It's text, isn't it?

So, here's a thumbnail (also available from Flickr), giving you an idea of the cuteness level involved. I'm diabetic, so I don't dare handle the photo too much myself. It's that sweet.

A little, tiny, young, very cute, rabbit. In a teacup.



  1. *squeal like an unusually high pitched air raid siren fills the internet*

    TOO CUTE!!


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