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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pizza? Man, That is So Square!

"Sicilian-Style Square Pizza Pie"
Serious Eats (August 8, 2009)

"Note: You may know foolishpoolish from the comments on Slice, where he dives in with abandon—particularly where pizza-making is concerned. Yesterday, he shared this recipe with us. I'm putting it up today, as it takes a while. You should go grab the ingredients and start today. You'll be enjoying this delicious-looking pizza by Monday. —The Mgmt.

"- makes two thick-crust 14-by-10-inch pizzas or three thinner pizzas -

"Time: 2 days (first day making the sauce and mixing preferment, second day mixing the final dough and baking the pizza). Three days if refrigerating the dough...."

With a preparation time of two or three days, this definitely is not fast food.

On the other hand, it looks like it might be worth the wait. Definitely not something I should have looked at on a day where I'll be eating an hour or so later than usual.

I think those are basil leaves on top.

(from Serious Eats, used w/o permission)
A tip of the hat to williamcooks, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this recipe.

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