Not quite 24 hours ago, I started setting up today's posts for this blog. That's when I discovered that Google/Blogger had blocked Apathetic Lemming of the North - for being a possible 'spam blog.' I asked for a review, of course - and the Lemming was unblocked by the time I staggered downstairs this morning.
I had a rough evening and night, though: trying to figure out what had triggered Google's action; and seeking some way to ask how to keep this from happening again. Google does have a snail-mail address, happily - and a laudably cost-conscious menu system for their land line and on their website. (The lemming's not complaining: it keeps costs down.)
So far, this blog hasn't been blocked again (yeah - I'm that nervous), and neither - I just now checked the Blogger dashboard (handy feature!) - have any of my other blogs.
That's good news, since if that 'review' process hadn't gone well, this blog would have been deleted, two weeks from yesterday. I didn't sleep well last night.
Oh, well, worse things can happen. And, have.
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