"Keep your mind and body in top condition"
Sally Wadyka, Real Simple, CNN (July 15, 2009)
"Sure, the fountain of youth is as elusive as ever, but there's plenty you can do to stay young. With all that scientists are learning about the powers of exercise, antioxidant-rich roods, healthy fats, and brain-teasing games to keep you feeling and looking your best, age can really just be a state of mind. This head-to-toe guide shows how to beat the clock -- or at least slow it down.
"Taking Care of Your Brain
"What aging can bring: Forgetfulness, decline in mental agility, risk of Alzheimer's disease.
"What the research shows: 'Doing things that hit both the left and right sides of the brain, like word puzzles plus mazes and visuals, has been proven to build brainpower,' says Gary Small, M.D., director of the University of California at Los Angeles Center on Aging. Swedish researchers believe there's also a connection between physical activity and cognitive decline...."
Sounds like 'use it or lose it,' doesn't it? There's more, about taking care of your skin, teeth, muscles, lungs, feet, heart - - - You get the idea.
I was born during the Truman administration, so I'm a bit more interested in this sort of thing now than I was back in the days of Woodstock. The article's pretty much common sense, with a bit of a look at what researchers have to say.
It's not a place to find miracle cures or an elixir of youth: but I wouldn't want to go through my teens again, even if I could.
Bottom line: not the Ultimate Resource; but pretty good advice.
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