Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fight Bac! - Or, Don't Get Sick Over Food

Fight Bac!

", the website of the Partnership for Food Safety Education (PFSE), is a consumer food safety resource. Get free downloads on safe food handling information from Fight BAC!®.

"The Partnership for Food Safety Education saves lives and improves public health through research-based, actionable consumer food safety initiatives that reduce foodborne illness.

"PFSE unites representatives from industry associations, professional societies in food science, nutrition and health consumer groups, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration in an important initiative to educate the public about preventing foodborne illness."

That pretty well says it.

The website looks like a pretty good resource. It's mostly common sense, like not putting raw chicken and carrots headed for the table in the same bowl. The way I see it, a bit of review doesn't hurt: and some of the information, like keeping the refrigerator at 40 degrees or less (Fahrenheit) may not be all that obvious.

About that last item: In another blog of mine, Easy Griller, I've mentioned that I don't use a meat thermometer, as most 'grilling safety' sites say you should. I don't, because this family likes meat that's grilled all the way through: By the time it's ready for the table, there's nothing living on the surface or inside the meat.

Refrigerators are another matter. Temperature isn't all that easy to judge: so we've got a refrigerator thermometer in place.

Back to Fight Bac! (Cute name, huh? "Fight Bac!" - "Fight Bacteria!" Clever. Moving along.)

They've got an online store, broken out by Educator Resources (22) and Consumer Education (6). The Educator Resources include a mouse pad, a game, a poster, and at least one K-3 presenter's guide. Looks like it might be useful. The Consumer Resources start with a flexible cutting board, and include brochures - you should probably check it out yourself. The cutting board is $3 today, the brochures I saw went for $10. I see that's for a pack of 100.

Okay: Looks like a pretty good website for someone who's got a professional or near-professional interest in food safety.

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