Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cute Photos of Animals - Relevant, but Fun Anyway

Let's Be Friends

"Touching photos of unusual animal friendships."

"If they can do it, then so can we"

This blog hasn't been active for a while: the most recent post is "Mouse and Frog" (January 31, 2007).

The photos are just as cute as they were two and a half years ago, though. The post titles give a pretty good idea of what you'll find: "Dog, Squirrel and Bird" - "Dog and Chicken" - "Hippo and Turtle" (you may have seen people who look a bit like this pair, at least on weekends) - "Dog and Fawn" - "Pony and Cat" - you get the idea.

Cute. Photos. A nice place to stop while roaming the blogosphere.

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